Medicine Balls UK

Medicine balls are a versatile tool used by fitness enthusiasts and athletes alike, to help improve their balance, strength and agility. They can be used in a range of exercises, from plyometric jumps to abdominal crunches, making them the ideal choice for anyone looking to increase their physical fitness. Medicine balls come in a variety of sizes and weights, allowing you to choose the one that best fits your needs.


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Mirafit Gen III Stitched Medicine Wall Ball 5kg
Mirafit Gen III Stitched Medicine Wall Ball UK

Mirafit Gen III Stitched Medicine Wall Ball

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Weights of the Mirafit medicine ball with handles 12kg
Weights of the Mirafit medicine ball with handles 8kg review

Mirafit Medicine Ball With Handles

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Mirafit Rubber Medicine Ball 10kg Review
Mirafit Rubber Medicine Ball 10kg Review

Mirafit Rubber Medicine Ball

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Mirafit Strongman Training Ball 75kg
Mirafit Strongman Training Ball 50kg Review

Mirafit Strongman Training Ball – 50kg & 75kg

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6kg York Medicine Ball
York Fitness 6kg Medicine Ball

York 6kg Medicine Ball

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7kg Duel Handle Medicine Balls York - Review
7kg Duel Handle Medicine Balls York

York 7kg Double Grip Medicine Ball

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York Fitness 7kg Medicine Ball
York Fitness 7kg Medicine Balls UK

York 7kg Medicine Ball

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York 9kg Medicine Ball high
York 9kg Medicine Ball UK

York 9kg Medicine Ball

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York Barbell Dual Grip Medicine Ball
York Barbell Dual Grip Medicine Ball 6kg

York Barbell Dual Grip Medicine Balls (Up to 10kg)

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What are Medicine Balls for?

Medicine Balls are a versatile and effective workout tool that can be used for strength training, conditioning, rehabilitation and more. This article will explore the benefits of using medicine balls to improve your fitness level and discuss the various types available.

Medicine balls have been around since ancient times, when they were used by Greek athletes to improve their strength and agility. They can be incorporated into any exercise routine as they provide resistance while allowing you to execute dynamic movements. Medicine balls are great for targeting specific muscle groups, as well as improving balance and coordination. They also help to increase power output in sports such as boxing, tennis or baseball. Additionally, medicine balls can be used in injury rehabilitation programs due to the low impact of exercises using them.

Benefits of Medicine Balls

Medicine balls are an incredibly versatile and effective tool for improving strength, endurance, balance, and coordination. They offer a wide range of benefits that can be used by people of all ages and levels of fitness. From professional athletes to senior citizens, medicine balls can help improve overall health in a variety of ways.

Using medicine balls helps build functional strength in the upper body, core muscles, and lower body. By adding extra resistance to traditional exercises such as squats and lunges, users are able to challenge their bodies more effectively and gain greater results from their workouts. They also provide an effective way for athletes to increase their power output through explosive movements like plyometric jumps or chest passes. Additionally, they can be used in rehabilitation programs to help strengthen weakened muscles after injury or surgery.

Types of Medicine Balls

Medicine balls are a great tool for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and gym-goers alike. Used primarily for rehabilitation and strength training, medicine balls come in various shapes, sizes and materials to suit any athlete’s needs. Whether you’re just starting out or an advanced user, here are the different types of medicine balls to consider.

The most common type of medicine ball is the traditional leather ball with handles cut into it. This type provides good grip for heavier weights and is available in a range of weights from 4lbs up to 20lbs. The rubberized version offers more resistance than leather but can often be harder on hands when gripping hard during a workout routine. They also come in various sizes depending on the intended use – some have textured surfaces while others have smooth surfaces to help reduce slipping during exercises.

Where to buy Medicine Balls in the UK?

Medicine Balls are an essential piece of equipment in any gym or home fitness centre, providing a wide range of exercises for a full body workout. If you’re looking to buy medicine balls in the UK then you’ll be pleased to know there’s plenty of options available.

For those on a budget, supermarkets and sports stores such as Decathlon often feature medicine balls at competitive prices. However, if you’re looking for higher quality products then specialist fitness outlets such as Powerhouse Fitness and Gym World offer competitively priced high-end models from leading brands like Reebok and Adidas. Online marketplaces such as Amazon also have an extensive selection featuring various sizes, weights and materials.

So whether it’s affordable PVC balls or professional grade leather ones that you need, there’s no shortage of options when it comes to buying medicine balls in the UK!

Workouts with Medicine Balls

Workouts with Medicine Balls are an effective way to improve your overall fitness. This tool is versatile and can be used as part of a variety of exercises that target different muscle groups. From simple squats to more advanced moves, medicine balls provide a great way to get in shape and stay healthy.

Medicine balls come in various sizes and weights, making them the perfect choice for all skill levels. Beginners can choose from lighter weights while advanced athletes can opt for heavier ones, allowing them to progress at their own pace. They also provide a form of resistance training, which has been proven to help build strength and stamina over time. Plus, many workouts with medicine balls involve multiple body parts at once; this means you’ll be able to work out more efficiently than if you were only targeting one group at a time!

Incorporating Medicine Ball Exercises

Medicine ball exercises are an effective and challenging way to add variety to your workout routine. Incorporating medicine ball exercises into your routine will help you improve balance, coordination, and core strength while also providing a full body workout. Medicine balls are available in a range of weights and sizes and can be used for many different types of exercises that target all areas of the body.

Beginners can start off using a lighter weight medicine ball to learn the basics, while more experienced athletes can use heavier weights for more challenging resistance training. Exercises such as squats, Russian twists, wood chops, chest passes, lunge twists and overhead throws can all be done with a medicine ball. These exercises not only work the major muscle groups but they also require focus on stability and balance. Medicine balls are great for developing functional fitness as well as cardiovascular endurance when done at higher intensity levels.

Variations of Medicine Ball Exercises

The medicine ball is a versatile and effective tool for strength and conditioning exercises. Using this weighted ball, you can target different muscle groups to build power, endurance, balance, and coordination. There are numerous variations of medicine ball exercises that allow you to customize your workout routine.

These exercises range from basic core movements like sit ups with the ball held overhead or chest passes against a wall, to more advanced moves such as rotational slams or squat throws. Medicine balls come in various weights so they can be utilized by all fitness levels. Using a lighter weight will help you build the proper technique while using heavier weights will help increase strength and power.

Whether your goal is muscular endurance or improved cardiovascular fitness, using medicine balls can be an efficient way to achieve it. Incorporating these exercises into your workout routine is sure to take your fitness regime to the next level!

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