Mirafit Farmers Walk Handles

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The Mirafit Farmers Walk handles are made to improve grip strength and training. The handles are made out of a durable plastic that is resistant to corrosion and offers a comfortable grip. The handles can be easily attached to the trainer using the adjustable strap system.


Last updated on April 30, 2024 5:59 pm

Mirafit Farmers Walk Handles Review

Farmers walks are a great way to add strength and size to your traps, shoulders, and forearms. They’re also a great way to improve your grip strength. You can use any type of weight for farmers walks, but I recommend using something heavy. I’ve seen some guys using handles that are specifically designed for farmers walks, but you can also use dumbbells or kettlebells.

What are farmers walk handles?:

Farmers walk handles are a piece of strongman equipment that is used in fitness. They are also known as farmers walks, weight carry, or simply farmer’s carry. The handles are made to be gripped with both hands, and the user then lifts the weights and carries them around. This is a total body exercise that works multiple muscle groups at once. It can be used to improve strength, endurance, and overall fitness.

Mirafit farmers walk handles for strongman training overview:

If you’re looking for a way to up your game in strongman training, look no further than the Mirafit farmers walk handles. These durable handles are perfect for adding resistance and intensity to your workouts. They feature comfortable, ergonomic grips that will keep your hands from slipping, even when they’re wet. The Mirafit farmers walk handles are also adjustable, so you can customize your workout to match your needs.

Dimensions of the Mirafit farmers walk handles for Strongman Training:

  • Dimensions:
  • Total length: 150cm
  • Total height: 24cm
  • Weight sleeve: 34cm
  • Sleeve diameter: 48mm
  • Grip length: 27.4cm
  • Grip diameter: 4cm

The Mirafit farmers walk handles are a great addition to any strongman training routine. The total length of the handles is 150cm, making them the perfect size for both men and women. The handles are made of durable steel, with a textured grip to provide a secure hold. They are also lightweight and easy to transport, making them perfect for use at home or in the gym.

The design of the Mirafit Farmers Walk Handles:

Farmers Walk Handles are designed to improve grip and are made with a knurled texture to help increase grip strength. The handles are also made with a contoured shape that fits the natural curvature of your hand for a more comfortable grip. Additionally, the handles have a weight distribution system that helps to evenly distribute the weight of the dumbbells, which makes them easier to lift.

How to use the Mirafit Farmers Walk Handles:

The Farmers Walk is a grip strength exercise that can be done with either dumbbells or Farmer’s Walk Handles. The exercise is simple to do and can be added to any strength routine. The basic movement for the Farmers Walk is to walk with the weight in your hands, keeping your shoulders down and your core engaged. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to properly use the Farmer’s Walk Handles:

  1. Hold the Farmer’s Walk Handles with your palms facing down and your arms extended straight in front of you.
  2. Engage your core and keep your shoulders down as you walk forward.
  3. Keep your posture tall and maintain a strong grip on the handles as you walk.
  4. When you reach the end of your walking path, slowly lower the weights to the ground and then repeat.

Mirafit Farmers Walk Handles for Grip Strength:

In order to be able to grip and hold onto something, our hands and fingers must be strong. Grip strength is important for overall strength and performance because it allows us to do things like pick up a heavy object or hold onto a bar while we are swinging. Gripping also helps us maintain our balance, especially when we are moving around.

Mirafit Farmers Walk Handles for Strongman Training:

Farmers walks are one of the key exercises in strongman training. They are a total body exercise that works the grip, arms, core, and legs. They are a great way to increase strength and power. They also help improve balance and coordination.

Benefits: Discuss some of the benefits that can be achieved from using the Mirafit farmers walk handles including improved grip strength, increased muscle mass, and better posture.

The Mirafit farmers walk hand is an attachment that can be added to any barbell, kettlebell, or other weight to convert it into a farmers walk handle. This allows for a variety of exercises that can target the muscles of the upper body, lower body, and core. Some benefits that can be achieved from using the Mirafit farmers walk hand include improved strength, endurance, and stability.

The different types of farmers walk handles for strongman  available on the UK market:

There are many different types of farmers walk handles on the market, but they all have one common goal: to help you build strength and muscle. The most popular type of farmers walk handle is the standard handle, which is a simple metal bar with a loop at each end. Other types of farmers walk handles include:

  • The hook handle: This type of handle has a curved hook on one end that makes it easier to grip. It’s ideal for those who want more hand and forearm support.
  • The D-handle: This type of handle is shaped like a D and provides more stability than the standard handle. It’s perfect for those who want to focus on their grip strength.
  • The V-handle: This type of handle has two angled grips that make it easier to hold onto.

Build Quality of the Mirafit farmers walk handles for strongman training:

When it comes to farmer’s walk handles, there are a lot of different options on the market. You want to make sure that you are choosing a quality product that will help you train safely and effectively. The Mirafit farmers walk handles are some of the best on the market, and here’s why:

The construction is incredibly sturdy, with a weight capacity of up to 500 pounds. This means that even the most hardcore strength athletes can use them without fear of breaking them.

They are also incredibly comfortable to use. The soft grip handles ensure that your hands won’t get sore or calloused, even after extended use.

But perhaps the best thing about these farmer’s walk handles is their price tag. They are very affordable, making them a great option for athletes on a budget.

Warranty of the Mirafit farmers walk handles for strongman training:

Farmers walks are a staple in strongman training, and Mirafit has just made them even better by offering a 2 year warranty on their farmers walk handles. This warranty guarantees that your farmers walk handles will never break, bend, or snap, no matter how hard you train. So if you’re looking for a set of farmers walk handles that will last through anything, look no further than Mirafit.

Mirafit farmers walk handles for strongman training Vs Rogue Fitness farmers walk handles – Which is better?

Rogue Fitness farmers walk handles are a classic piece of equipment for strongman training, but recently Mirafit has released a similar product at a fraction of the price. So, which is better?

Mirafit’s farmers walk handles are made from quality materials and are built to last. They come with a lifetime warranty, so you can be sure that they will stand up to even the most brutal workouts. The grips are also comfortable and non-slip, ensuring that you can hold on tight even when you’re sweating buckets.

Rogue Fitness farmers walk handles are also made from high-quality materials, but they don’t come with a lifetime warranty. The grips are not as comfortable as Mirafit’s and they are not non-slip either. This could be a problem if you plan on using them for heavy workouts.

Pros and Cons of the Mirafit Farmers Walk Handles:

The Mirafit farmers walk handles are a great way to improve your grip strength, and overall fitness. They are easy to use, and can be incorporated into many different exercises. However, they also have a few downsides. Here is a list of the pros and cons of the Mirafit farmers walk handles:


  1. Improve grip strength
  2. Easy to use
  3. Can be incorporated into many different exercises
  4. Affordable price
  5. Portable and lightweight
  6. Durable construction
  7. Variety of colors available
  8. Multiple grip options available
  9. Suitable for all levels of fitness
  10. Helps improve posture and balance
  11. Improves cardiovascular health


  1. Limited weight capacity (100 lbs)
  2. Limited training time (about 30 minutes)
  3. When used with a weighted vest, the weight may be too much for some people

Review Summary:

Farmers walk handles are a great way to improve your grip and overall strength. They are especially beneficial for athletes who need to generate power from their lower body and core. The handles also improve stabilization and balance, which can help you stay safe when lifting heavy weights.

Specification: Mirafit Farmers Walk Handles

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